Wednesday 20 November 2013

E-mail to aparna seth

E-mail to aparna seth, Mumbai

Dear Aparna,

                  This mail is with reference to your email subjecting "Financial Assistance for Employees' Self Education".

Thanks for your doing good turn by financial assistance to employees in education. 

I would like to have further sharp-witted annotations on "Element No. 3.1, Point D" of your appended pdf file in your email. Kindly throw some light on type of education courses, i.e; only correspondence and distance education courses Or it includes regular classroom courses as well?

Kindly explicate about the point, since the policy asserts that courses opted should not effect day to day work. Also kindly give your fathomable horizon about, what if one strive for regular classroom courses. 

I am yearning to pursue a regular classroom course, post graduate diploma in management (PGDM) which is recognized as par as MBA. 

I would gratify your helping hand.

Thanks and regards,
Lokesh Tripathi
Medical Business Associate

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