
Astounded by birthday party :

I was taken aback at the moment I entered jagdish's house. I was astonished to see bhuma and jagdish with many balloons and amazed when both of them started warbling birthday lyrics for me, I remained obscured. 
I rather wondered after looking at the cake, and i questioned them, "Its not my birthday today?" And got a spontaneous reply from bhuma, "No, its your birthday today".

I was still in illusion and and remained quite, and waited to get baffled situation solve automatically. And I scrutinized the cake which was kept on the table near by. And I found written on it, "Happy birthday Lokesh". I was completely puzzled.

Then, jagdish and shashi uttered, "Its a party which was not organized on the day, so we did it today." I frowned.

Indeed, i was glad and amazed too. But really spent a great time with sachin, shashi, pawan, bhuma and jagsdish. 

Indelible moments of life. :-)

Photos has to be promulgated soon ;-) 

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